Category JCCA President’s Report

Japanese Canadian Citizen’s Association of Greater Vancouver

President’s Message

When you receive this edition of the Bulletin / Geppo, we will be within a couple of weeks of making a decision about who will be our government and what path our country will take. Unless you’ve been out of…

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10月 会長からのメッセージ

この『Bulletin/ げっぽう』がお手元に届く頃は、次期の政権および我が国の今後の方針が二、三週間のうちに決定されることになります。 国外に出ていたり、あるいはすべての報道を無視している人の場合を除いて、 総選挙が行われることをご存知と思います。
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President’s Message

Another way we can honour the generations who came before us is by participating in our democracy. Next month on October 19th, Federal Election Day, we can vote and pay respect to our Japanese Canadian ancestors who survived their journey…

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President’s Message

The Ofuro was a JCCA project for the 1977 Centennial Year, the 100th anniversary of when the first known Japanese immigrant Manzo Nagano came to Canada. An ofuro is a deep tub filled with water and kept hot with a wood-burning heater. The Japanese style of bath is for soaking only, that is, before you get into the tub, you would scrub and wash yourself until you were clean. This is all explained in an interpretative panel next to the exhibit.
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President’s Message

By Lorene Oikawa It’s the J word that shocks and hurts me. I see the BC government using the racial slur to describe the Japanese soccer team. They aren’t the only ones to use the J word. Some people are…

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6月 会長からのメッセージ

毎年夏に開催されるPNE (Pacific National Exhibition) で、4月の末に「1942年ヘイスティングス公園の標識」( Hastings Park 1942 signs)の除幕式が行われ、200人以上の人びとが参加しました。この標識 は1942年のヘィスティングス公園における日系カナダ人の歴史的体験を記述表示した4つの標識のことです。
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