Category JCCA President’s Report

Japanese Canadian Citizen’s Association of Greater Vancouver

May President’s Message

by Judy Hanazawa May Greetings Community Members! The President’s message for May is about what is happening to Asian Canadians as the Covid pandemic continues its reign over daily life. I’m hoping people are keeping safe and well. I know…

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President’s Message

Dear GVJCCA Members and Community, Hello and greetings from me, Judy Hanazawa as your new GVJCCA President. I again thank past President Lorene Oikawa for her incredible energy and commitment to community, our organization and The Bulletin. As the new…

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President’s Message

The results of the presidential election in the USA were shocking to everyone including, I think, the president-elect. The political pundits have been providing their versions of an analysis, but one thing is clear to me, we must stand together…

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JCCA President’s Message

And the award for outstanding volunteers goes to… Our GVJCCA volunteers. Yes, we really appreciate you! Thank you again for all your talents and time to support the GVJCCA including helping with the monthly mail out of The Bulletin/Geppo magazine…

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President’s Message

The long, hot days of summer are transitioning into preparation for back-to-school and the routine of fall. We say it every year, but it does seem as if time is flying by. We were fortunate to have three wonderful, talented…

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President’s Message

Long summer days mean feasting on the local crops of fruit and vegetables. I’ve been enjoying blueberries and am hoping to get out to a local farm for some blackberries, sweet corn, and maybe some late strawberries. It’s also about…

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7月 会長からのメッセージ

アジア系カナダ人コミュニティは、バンクーバーのアジアの伝統を祝う月間イベント(Vancouver Asian Heritage Month event) の今年の成功を祝うため、去る6月11日に行われたexplorASIAN 20周年記念 の催しに参加しました。explorASIANを後援しているバンクーバー・アジア伝統月間協会(Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society)は、日系カナダ人コミュニティを表彰するために、素晴らしい夕べを催したのです。
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President’s Message

The Asian Canadian community came out to the 20th Anniversary explorASIAN gala on June 11th to celebrate the success of this year’s Vancouver Asian Heritage Month events. The Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society which is the organization behind explorASIAN hosted…

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President’s Message

I flip through the pages of the book and some quotes catch my eye. “Mom worked tirelessly well into the wee hours of the night and we would all be fast asleep. In the winter she would ensure that there…

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