Looking for JC Comfort Food Recipes

As the English-language editor of The Bulletin, it’s interesting how our energies have shifted so much towards food, almost like going back to the basics, something we can control.
Over the next several issues we will be focussing on food, specifically comfort food and the foods that connect us to our roots and to each other. I am reaching out to the community for recipes and for stories – preferably together.
What we’re looking for: simple recipes that you yourself make, or remember your mother/father/grandparents making, accompanied by a story about what the recipe(s) mean to you. They don’t have to be Japanese or JC recipes. They can be recipes that express our reality living in a diverse, pluralistic world, they can be fusions of east and west, or north and south. And they don’t even have to be recipes – they can be essays on an ingredient or a type of cooking. They can be stories about cooking and connecting in the time of pandemic, or from your childhood. I’m keeping it as open as possible in hopes of getting a big range of responses. Sandy Usami posted on the Japanese Canadians Facebook Group, talking about chow mein sandwiches. That pretty much sums it all up for me. Let’s have fun with this!
This is open to everyone – I hope to get recipes and stories from across the country. Please feel free to pass along to others.
Email your recipes (with photos if possible – either historic or current) to john@bigwavedesign.net