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Commmunity – Page 4 – The Bulletin


Remembrance Day 2014 (with gallery)

by Linda Kawamoto Reid Remembrance Day 2014 began a few weeks early with the atrocious acts in Montreal and Ottawa that claimed the lives...

naomi sato


アムステルダムをベースに音楽活動をされているサックス・笙(しょう)奏者の佐藤尚美さん。この度、10月22日〜11月3日まで開催されるバンクーバー・インターカルチュラル・オーケストラ主催「Chrysanthemums & Maple Leaves(菊と楓)フェスティバル」のためバンクーバーに滞在されています。

リルエットの「 宮崎ハウス」にご支援とご協力を!


The Vancouver Asahi at VIFF

This past summer, even as protest tents were sprouting up across Vancouver’s Oppenheimer Park, post-production was wrapping up on a new fact-based film that features that same park in a starring role.

Cumberland’s Miners Memorial Weekend

by Lorene OikawaPhotos by Greg Masuda The June 12th to 15th weekend was a journey to the past with the 29th Miners Memorial combined...

Remembering Betty Inouye

Do you really know your mother or your father? I don’t mean what foods they like, what they do or did for a living, or if they played on a baseball team when they were younger.

Young leaders

For the past three years, a group of youth associated with the National Association of Japanese Canadians (NAJC) have been working to address the...



hastings park update

Community members who read and viewed the signs seemed encouraged to talk about their own experiences

Reverend Gordon Goichi Nakayama

The Anglican Church is prepared to engage with the Japanese Canadian community to express their apology, and offer their participation in a healing and reconciliation process with individuals and community. They offer their pastoral response to survivors.

Tsuneko Kokubo exhibition

Tsuneko Kokubo will be exhibiting paintings from her Monochromatic Contemplation series at the Roundhouse Exhibition Hall as part of the Vancouver International Dance Festival....

Arts Preview: Vancouver International Dance Festival

Each year, before the first performances of the Vancouver International Dance Festival, we find ourselves in a state of anxious excitement. We never know exactly what to expect. Will people come? Will this be our last festival? We let those doubts drop away knowing that we are bringing outstanding artists that have proven themselves again and again in cities around the world.