
Play Ball!

Although the Asahi were the best-known of the Japanese Canadian teams, there were many others up and down the west coast that provided Japanese Canadians—both players and fans—with much-needed recreation and enjoyment. Baseball in Japan also has a long history. It is extremely popular throughout the country and has produced many outstanding ballplayers, several of whom have been recruited by American major league teams.

Poetry Corner

When did this happen?
When did Winter leave?

Taiko: the next generation

” . . . hearing the taiko beat here in Canada always gives me chills, goosebumps, sometimes I get tears in my eyes. It must be something that my DNA is feeling without me noticing.”

Musings of a Digital Immigrant

Consider then, that the first Bulletin was put together 51 years ago by Mickey Tanaka and a group of fellow volunteers using a typewriter, pen and paper, and lots of good old fashioned elbow grease. It seems a lot longer ago then it really was.

Mixie and the Halfbreeds

My hope is that people will recognize that there is a pride in being of mixed race, that being a mixie is a specific identity. AND this may sound cheesy, but that we are all the sum of our parts, whatever those parts may be. Whether we identify as mixed-race, mixed culture, mixed gender, mixed education, mixed emotion, mixed parts, mixed nuts, whatever the mix is—it creates a 100% whole-grain person.

Fishing for a Living: New Nikkei Fishermen’s Book Delves into Westcoast History

The Nikkei Fishermen’s Reunion Committee was formed at the turn of the new millennium by three sons of fishermen who had recently lost their fathers to Alzheimer’s and death. Realizing that the way of life that their fathers and grandfathers had experienced was fast disappearing, they resolved that the sacrifices and hardships that they had endured must be acknowledged and commemorated.

Vancouver Moving Theatre

A big step in this evolution to a deeper connection to community came after our son Montana was born in 1990. We began to do less international touring, and began the Strathcona Artist at Home Festival. This festival opened a huge and very rich vein—the history, culture, struggles and story of this area.

Three Community Events!

1) Nikkei Community New Year’s party Saturday January 17, Nikkei Place Tickets are available through Nikkei Place and the GVJCCA. Please phone 604.777.7000 for...

Tatsuo Kage : a commitment to human rights

Tatsuo Kage has the appearance and manner of an absent-minded professor, but this façade belies a fierce determination to follow his principles, whether they...