Bulletin/Geppo policy on articles and letters to the editor
Upon receiving submissions indicating a variety of viewpoints on community concerns, the Bulletin is presenting a ‘Perspectives’ page. Views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the Perspectives section or other submitted articles belong solely to the author, and do not imply the endorsement of the Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens’ Association.
1. All articles or letters to the editor should contain the writer’s full name and contact information. Anonymous or pseudonymous articles or letters will not be considered for publication. Upon request, names can be withheld at the discretion of the editor.
2. A GVJCCA Bulletin committee has been established to oversee, and address issues related to the publication of the Bulletin/Geppo. The committee will review submissions as needed. Priority for publication is first extended to members of the Japanese Canadian community, either locally or in other locations.
3. All articles submitted are not guaranteed to be published. The editor and the GVJCCA Board reserve the right to exercise absolute discretion when selecting articles for printing. The board will receive advice from the Bulletin committee.
4. All articles are subject to editing for length, tone, grammar.
5. Letters to the editor should be brief. Longer letters will be accepted at the editor’s discretion.
6. The Bulletin does not discriminate based on the views expressed in articles. However, articles or letters containing obvious factual inaccuracies, unattributed facts and quotes, unsubstantiated allegations of wrongdoing, insulting comments or libelous or slanderous statements will not be printed. Responses to writers or columnists that contain demeaning personal comments will not be printed.
7. When considering which articles to publish, The Bulletin will be guided by traditional news values, including timeliness, relevance and interest. Generally, articles or letters responding to an article or editorial will not be printed more than two issues after the publication of the original material.
8. The Community Perspectives section is not a forum for repeated arguing between opposing parties. No more than two letters by a single writer on a specific topic will be published, except at the editor’s discretion.
9. Letters to the editor containing hate speech will not be published.
The editorial board of the Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens’ Association (GVJCCA) has been formed with the aim of supporting and enhancing the Bulletin/Geppo in keeping with its mandate.
The Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizen’s Association (GVJCCA) welcomes submissions for both the printed and digital editions of the Bulletin/Geppo. However, we cannot publish all unsolicited submissions. The editorial board reserves the right to edit all submissions for content and length, and the final decision for publication rests with the GVJCCA.
Priority will be given to materials that advances the mandate of the GVJCCA.
English language submissions should be emailed to john@bigwavedesign.net (Attention: Editor). Japanese Language submissions should be emailed to editor.geppo@gmail.com (Attention: Editor). When possible, please supply high resolution images in JPEG format (preferred).
Tips on submitting
- Layout sample of your article will not be provided prior to publication.
- Formatting decisions including the use of images is at the discretion of the editors.
- No changes to submitted articles will be allowed after the submission deadline.
- Japanese language articles that exceed the accepted length will be edited. Maximum length is one page (2,200 characters including spaces).
- Editing is the responsibility of the author. If errors are published, corrections can be published in subsequent issues.
この度グレーターバンクーバー日系市民協会(GV JCCA)は『The Bulletin/げっぽう』のさらなる支援と発展を目的として編集委員会を発足させました。
GVJCCAの団体義務に沿った内容のものを優先して掲載します。 英
語セクションへの投稿は英語でjohn@bigwavedesign.net (Attention: Editor)までお願いいたします。日本語セクションへの投稿はeditor.geppo@gmail.com (Attention: Editor)までお願いいたします。原稿の内容に沿った写真やイメージがある場合は高画質のJPEGフォーマットのものを一緒にお送り下さい。
- 出版に際してのレイアウトサンプル(プルーフ)は提供されません
- レイアウト、画像の利用は編集部によって決定されます
- 投稿頂いた記事についての変更は締切日以降は対応しかねます
- 日本語記事は2,200字(空白を含む)以内で投稿をお願いします。字数制限を超えている場合は編集部によって編集されることがあります。
- 編集の義務は筆者にあります。誤字脱字やその他の誤りが出版された場合、次の号に「訂正」として掲載を検討します