

Hastings Park to Tashme 100 Mile Journey

By Mike Girard My mother Doris, along with my uncle Tony and grandparents, Chiaki and Ise Katsuno, were interned at Tashme in 1942. Their experiences and the plight of all the Japanese interned during the War were basically unknown to…

To the Editor

Dear John, Thank you for your very interesting editorial concerning your family and the evolvement of the Greenaway clan. It is always a joy for me to receive my copy of the Geppo/Bulletin from Canada. I lived in Vancouver from…

To the Editor

A Tribute to George Oikawa As I opened to page 12 of the December issue of The Bulletin and saw the smiling face of George Oikawa I felt such a deep sense of loss. What a wonderful friend and staunch…

Letter to the Editor

Of all the people you have interviewed over the years, Hiromi Goto is the one who imporessed me the most! Super-intelligent, insightful, articulate, honest! Thanks for writing it, as I had never heard of Ms. Goto. I realize that I’ve…

Letter to the Editor

I read in the December ’07 Bulletin that the redevelopment of Oppenheimer Park will commemorate the Japanese Canadian history of that park. It seems appropriate that this will be done since the Nikkei community is strongly tied to this place…