Masaki Watanabe

“Mr K” a Pioneer who brought the First “Cool” Japanese Car to North American markets

Born in the Meiji era, he had a great “sense of the borderless,” passion for cars and a curious mind – all extraordinary for Japanese people of the time, or even of today. This I can attest to with certitude, as it turns out he was probably my father’s best friend since the time they went to the university together.


去る1967年、あのルイ・アームストロングが歌う<この素晴らしき世界(What a Wonderful World)>が世界的メガヒットとなった。以降大勢の歌手にカバーされ、スタンダード曲として定着したが、その歌詞のように薔薇の香りが漂い、人々がいつも幸福でニコニコしているような世界だったら、と想像することがある。

What a Wonderful World

I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself what a wonderful...