a journal of japanese canadian community, history + culture

a journal of japanese canadian community, history + culture
Past Wrongs, Future Choices
Japanese Canadian Heritage Cooking Classes
The Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens’ Association (GVJCCA), Tonari Gumi (TG), and the Vancouver Japanese Language School-Japanese Hall (VJLS-JH) would like to warmly welcome Michael Tora Speier to the Heritage Cooking Classes team. Michael brings to this project over a…
Looking for Japanese Canadian Cooks
We are looking for knowledgeable and flavour-focused home cooks to teach people their Japanese-Canadian foodie heritage and kitchen magic! Classes will be maximum 15-20 participants, using a casual workshop and hands-on approach, to be held at Tonari Gumi, the…
Susanne Tabata: The Road to BC Redress
Isshoni: Henry Shimizu’s Paintings
of New Denver Internment
A Curatorial Journey with
Samantha Kuniko Marsh
by John Endo Greenaway Henry Shimizu was fourteen when he and the rest of the Shimizu family were uprooted. Unable to return to BC, the family moved to Edmonton in 1946. There, Henry graduated in medicine in 1954, going on…
You snooze, you lose: Family law deadlines you should know
By Donna Yamazaki Limitations dates, or deadlines for taking legal action, are one of the most important issues at the outset of any legal claim. In many cases, including those in family law, parties must bring claims before they “expire”,…
Sake for the Holidays
By Elise Gee Consider a kanpai for Christmas cheer this year! Sake continues its ascent as a popular tipple outside the realm of Asian restaurants. Premium grade sake has grabbed the attention of serious wine lovers, so much so, even…
VIFF 2018 | It’s Boring Here, Pick Me Up
The Bulletin is proud to sponsor It’s Boring Here, Pick Me Up by director Hiroki Ryuichi, starring Hashimoto Ai (from Beautiful Star, our sponsored film in 2017) and adapted from the novel by Yamauchi Mariko. Click here for tickets and showtimes. The Vancouver International Film…
Kootenay Sign Unveilings: Slocan Extension, New Denver, Kaslo | A Personal Perspective
by Howard Shimokura On June 15, the third, fourth & fifth roadside interpretative signs out of eight were unveiled to commemorate the three clusters of Japanese Canadian internment camps in the Kootenays: Slocan Extension (Lemon Creek, Popoff, Bayfarm & Slocan…
Japanese-Canadian Working Group Briefs JCCCM
Coming To Terms With Rev. G.G. Nakayama’s Sexual Abuse Of Community Members by Alan Itakura The following article was published in the English Montreal Bulletin July-August 2018 about Japanese Canadian Working Group members Wendy Matsubuchi Bremner and Judy Hanazawa presenting…
Powell Street Festival and WePress: Art and Advocacy in Action
With multi-year funding from Vancouver Foundation, Powell Street Festival (PSFS) and WePress Community Arts Space Society are sharing art-making skills and strengthening community connections in the Downtown Eastside (DTES). This exciting partnership between the well-established Japanese Canadian arts and culture…